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Calculates the wavelet transform of a time series and significance levels.

      function wavelet (
                y      [*]: numeric,
             mother    : integer,
                dt       : numeric,
                param    : numeric,
                s0       : numeric,
                dj       : numeric,
                jtot    : integer,
                npad    : integer,
                noise    : integer,
                isigtest : integer,
                siglvl    : numeric,
                nadof   [*]: numeric

      return_val :float or double

A one-dimensional array (call the length N).

An integer giving the mother wavelet to use:

0 = 'Morlet'
1 = 'Paul'
2 = 'DOG' (derivative of Gaussian)
If mother < 0 or > 2, then the default is 'Morlet'. (Most commonly, mother = 0.)

The amount of time between each y value; i.e. the sampling time. (Most commonly, dt = 1.0.)

The mother wavelet parameter. If param < 0, then the default is used:

For 'Morlet' this is k0 (wavenumber), default is 6.
For 'Paul' this is m (order), default is 4.
For 'DOG' this is m (m-th derivative), default is 2.

The smallest scale of the wavelet, which is typically is equal to 2*dt.
Note: for accurate reconstruction and variance computation, set s0 = dt for Morlet; s0 = dt/4 for Paul. (Most commonly, s0 = 2*dt.)

The spacing between discrete scales, which is typically equal to 0.25. A smaller value will give better scale resolution, but will be slower. (Most commonly, dj = 0.25.)

The integer number of scales. Scales range from s0 up to s0*2^[(jtot-1)*dj].

Most commonly, jtot is equal to:

1 + floattointeger(((log10(N*dt/s0))/dj)/log10(2.))

The total number of points (including padding) to use for the wavelet transform. Typically, this is some power of 2. It must be greater or equal to N. If npad > N, then zeroes are padded onto the end of the time series. (Most commonly, npad = N .)

A value of 0 means use a white noise background for significance testing. A value of 1 means use a red noise background for significance testing. (Most commonly, noise = 1.)

A value of 0 means do a regular chi-square test, i.e. Eqn (18) from Torrence and Compo. A value of 1 means do a "time-average" test on the global wavelet spectrum.

The significance level to use. (Most commonly, siglvl = 0.95.)

Currently ignored (set to zero).

Return value
This function returns a three-dimensional array (call it wave) dimensioned 2 x jtot x N. wave will contain the real (0,:,:) and imaginary parts (1,:,:) of the wavelet transform, versus time and scale. It will be of type double if y is double, and float otherwise.

See the description below for information on attributes of wave that are also returned.

This function is an interface to the wavelet software written by Christopher Torrence and Gilbert P. Compo, University of Colorado. The original software is available from:

This site provides Fortran, IDL and Matlab codes, including examples.

The user should read the following reference:

Torrence, C. and G. P. Compo, 1998: A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79, 61-78. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/1520-0477(1998)079<0061:APGTWA>2.0.CO;2
This will clarify the terminology used by the software.

Note: please acknowledge the use of this software in any publications:

"Wavelet software was provided by C. Torrence and G. Compo, and is available at the URL: http://paos.colorado.edu/research/wavelets/".

The following are returned as attributes of wave:


[*]A one-dimensional array (same type as wave) of length jtot*N containing the squared sum of the real and imaginary parts of wave. The power spectrum = wave(0,:,:)^2 + wave(1,:,:)^2

The function onedtond should be used to convert to the more logical two-dimensional array. For example:

    power = onedtond (wave@power, (/jtot,N/) )


[*]A one-dimensional array (same type as wave) of length jtot*N containing the phases (degrees) of wave:

    phase = atan2(wave(1,:,:),wave(0,:,:))(*57.29 for degrees)
The function onedtond should be used to convert to the more logical two-dimensional array. For example:

    phase = onedtond (wave@phase, (/jtot,N/) )


[*]A scalar (same type as wave) containing the mean of the input series.


[*]A scalar (same type as wave) containing the standard deviation of the input series.


[*]A scalar (same type as wave) containing the lag-1 autocorrelation of the input series.


[*]A scalar of the same type as wave. If noise = 1, this contains the lag-1 autocorrelation of the input series. Otherwise, wave@r1 = 0.0. This is the value used in the significance test.


[*]A one-dimensional array of length jtot (same type as wave) containing the degrees-of-freedom for significance test.


[*]A one-dimensional array of length jtot (same type as wave) containing the wavelet scales that were used.


[*]A one-dimensional array of length jtot (same type as wave) containing the "Fourier" periods (in time units) corresponding to "scale".


[*]A one-dimensional array of length jtot (same type as wave) containing the global wavelet spectrum.

[*]A one-dimensional array of length N (same type as wave) containing the e-folding factor used for the cone of influence.


[*]A one-dimensional array of length jtot (same type as wave) containing theoretical red-noise spectrum versus scale. If isigtest = 2, then wave@fft_theor(0) = the average spectrum from S1-->S2, and wave@fft_theor(1...jtot-1) = 0.0.

[*]A one-dimensional array of length jtot (same type as wave) containing significance levels versus scale.

[*]A scalar (same type as wave) containing the constant "Cdelta" for the mother wavelet (Table 2 of reference).

[*]A scalar (same type as wave) containing the constant "psi(0)" for the mother wavelet (Table 2 of reference).

A bias-rectified power spectrum as by Liu et al (2007) can be obtained using the returned attributes :

   power_no_bias = wave@power/conform(power,wave@scale,0)
   gws_no_bias   = wave@gws/wave@scale

    Rectification of the bias in the wavelet power spectrum
    Liu, Y., X.S. Liang, and R.H. Weisberg, 2007
    Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 24(12), 2093-2102.
    doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/2007JTECHO511.1

    see also: http://ocg6.marine.usf.edu/~liu/wavelet.html
See Also


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